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Generosity is our Privilege

A sign of a healthy church is it’s giving which is about much more than money. Giving is an outward reflection of inner workings in a persons’s heart. Healthy giving is about people being prepared to lay all manner of things at God’s feet because they recognize that He can do immeasurably more with those things than we can.

A generous and giving heart can be reflected in many different ways – through the time we give to God, what we do with our possessions, the relationship we’re prepared to give to God and how we use the finances that He’s gifted us (to name a few). Generosity has been a strength of NewDay Church. Proverbs 21:26 says, “the godly love to give” (NLT), and this is seen through the countless volunteer hours offered to run community programs, in those serving in church services and through those who financially support the church and its initiatives.

And of course through the Old Testament we are encouraged to tithe our finances and Jesus encourages us to be generous in giving to God, offerings out of what He has already given to us.

We welcome any gifts in whatever form as well as any tithes and offerings. Our financial giving details are below.

Tithes & Offerings

Account Name: Wollongong Church of Christ
BSB: 062644
Account: 1014 1024

In Person

Giving can also be done at the church via the offering containers or in the chute at the back of the auditorium.

World Changers

Account Name: Wollongong Church of Christ
BSB: 062644
Account: 1014 1024